Rajasthan High Court Orders Demolition of 400 Houses in Odwara Village: A Land Dispute Unfolds

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Rajasthan Administration Demolishes 400 Houses on Ooran Land in Odwara Village

In a significant development, authorities in Odwara village, located in the Ahor sub-division of Jalore district, Rajasthan, have begun demolishing 400 houses built on Ooran land. This action follows directives from the Rajasthan High Court, originating from a dispute between two brothers.

High Court Orders Demolition

The demolition orders stem from a family feud in Odwara village. Last year, the High Court ruled that numerous structures built on Ooran land must be demolished. Ooran land, designated for community use and often protected, was found to have been encroached upon. Following a thorough hearing, the court declared these houses illegal and mandated their removal. Consequently, the district administration has geared up to enforce the court's orders.

Local Resistance and Police Action

The demolition operation faced significant resistance from local residents, especially women, who gathered in large numbers to protest. The police had to resort to a lathi charge to disperse the crowd and proceed with the demolition. This led to scenes of distress, with many women breaking down and some even fainting as bulldozers began tearing down their homes.

Political Reactions

Congress State President Govind Singh Dotasra criticized the police action, highlighting the brutality and calling it a shameful reflection of the current state of affairs under the BJP government in Rajasthan.

Timeline of Events

The dispute between the two brothers from Odwara village escalated to the High Court. During the hearings, the court identified the entire village land as Ooran land. On May 14, the administration was instructed to clear all encroachments by this date. This directive affected 150 villages, leading to today's demolition activities.

Eviction and Demolition Process

Residents were given until yesterday to vacate their homes and remove their belongings. Despite the short notice, many households were not prepared for the sudden upheaval. The administration has already disconnected electricity to several homes and bulldozers have started demolishing boundary walls and structures.

Background of the Case

This issue dates back three years when a land dispute arose between Mukesh, son of Mulla Singh Rajpurohit, and Mahendra Singh, son of Babu Singh Rajpurohit. Following a land survey ordered by the court, it was found that approximately 440 houses were built on Ooran land. The court's 2022 and 2023 orders led to the removal of some encroachments. The current operation aims to clear over 150 additional structures and around 160 enclosures.


The demolition of houses in Odwara village has sparked significant unrest and political commentary. As the administration proceeds with enforcing court orders, the displaced residents face an uncertain future, with immediate efforts focused on salvaging their belongings and finding temporary shelter.


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